Camino Day 22, Tues 18/6/02:
48 km today 768 total |
Woken at 6 AM by the Spanish family "whispering" - this was after getting to sleep at 3 by the time I finally became immune to their snoring! Resolved to get so far ahead of them that they'd wouldn't keep me awake again. I got underway, after dressing my blisters, at 7:20. It was quite overcast: ideal walking conditions for me.
More hórreos near Casanova (50K) |
Entering province of A Coruña Leaving province of Lugo (77K) |
Church of Santa María Leboreiro (55K) |
Baaaa Humbug arriving in Melide (35K) |
Made great time, arriving in Melide at 9:30, 15km in just over two hours. A very nice little town; there were many pulperías (places that serve squid or octopus), but it was a little early and I resolved to try this dish later in the day. Instead, I had a coffee and a sticky bun. I bumped into some people I'd met earlier on the camino: Alice and the guy from High Wycombe. On the way out of Melide, I passed the snoring family whose combined efforts shook the refugio last night. I bade them a jolly "¡Buenos días!" and walked on...
I had lunch in Arzua at 12:30. It seems the closer you get to Santiago, the easier it is to be ripped off - a pretty dire Spaghetti Bolognese in a bar cost over twelve euro. They even charged me separately for the three pieces of stale bread. I can't remember the name of the bar, but it was on the same street as the refugio. I should immediately point out that this kind of thing was the exception, rather than the rule. At any rate, suitably replenished, I headed off again just as the sun was burning off the last of the morning's cloud cover.
Rollo y fuente.... Boente (47K) |
Fuente Mmmm... agua! (100K) |
Guillermo Watt's memorial Salceda (96K) |
Forest walk near Arca (114K) |
Thought about tomorrow's arrival in Santiago; I was surprised not to be much more "upbeat" about it, but I think tiredness had a lot to do with that...
And so to bed. Snorers or no, I slept the sleep of the dead after another nearly-50 km day. If it wasn't for the German plonker whose mobile phone woke us all at 2 AM and again at 5 AM, I'd have nothing to complain about :-)
But tomorrow - Santiago! ¡Ultreia!
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