(Null) process being created by FP possibly..[Up to topic list]  [Home]

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19 Feb 2011, 17:20
(Null) process being created by FP possibly..

I am the same person that discussed with you hangups on restarts, shutdowns etc due to a null process.
I am running a 17" G4 PPC Mac, 10.5.8, current version of finderpop, and all system software is up-to-date.
I can replicate the following process at will.
In the finderpop folder, i have placed an Microsoft 2004 Excel file that I frequently use.
When I go to a blank section of the menu bar and click and hold, and navigate by mouse to this exel file, and launch it, In activity monitor, I get a (null) PID created. I have attached a screen shot.
When I navigate to the file directing via finder, and launch it, i do NOT get a (null) process.
When I go and inspect the (null) process, and look at open files and ports, this is what I see:
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft Excel
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/ShMem.bundle/Contents/MacOS/ShMem
/System/Library/Keyboard Layouts/AppleKeyboardLayouts.bundle/Contents/Resources/AppleKeyboardLayouts-B.dat
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft OLE
/System/Library/Fonts/xe3x83x92xe3x83xa9xe3x82xadxe3x82x99xe3x83x8exe6x98x8exe6x9cx9d ProN W3.otf
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Framework
/System/Library/Fonts/xe3x83x92xe3x83xa9xe3x82xadxe3x82x99xe3x83x8exe6x98x8exe6x9cx9d ProN W6.otf
/System/Library/Fonts/xe3x83x92xe3x83xa9xe3x82xadxe3x82x99xe3x83x8exe8xa7x92xe3x82xb3xe3x82x99 ProN W3.otf
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Support Files/Icon Data
/System/Library/Fonts/xe3x83x92xe3x83xa9xe3x82xadxe3x82x99xe3x83x8exe8xa7x92xe3x82xb3xe3x82x99 ProN W6.otf
/System/Library/Fonts/xe5x84xb7xe9xbbx91 Pro.ttf

/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft Excel/..namedfork/rsrc
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin/..namedfork/rsrc
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office/..namedfork/rsrc
/Users/leeze/Library/FinderPop Items/ Cal Log.xls
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Framework/..namedfork/rsrc

Again, i only see the (null) process when i launch the excel file via FP.

Thinking of possible questions, I opened the following files via the FP shortcut: RTF, JPEG, PDF, TXT.

None created a (null) process.

But when I opened a DOC file using Microsoft Word 2004, I got a null process.

I did last month did an archive and install and reinstalled Office 2004 (custom install).

249 (null) .jpg
249 (null) .jpg (197.64 KiB) Viewed 4265 times
Posts: 9
Joined: 11 Feb 2011, 08:24

Re: (Null) process being created by FP possibly..

Postby turly » 19 Feb 2011, 22:33

I've just arrived back in Ireland and will be away from my Mac for the next 2 weeks (but the Apple factory is just up the road :)

As to FinderPop creating that null process, that would be news to me.
Back in the day, the (null) process was OS 9 running in Classic mode! I take it you can definitely rule that out? FinderPop hasn't launched Classic to open your document, has it??

I don't think I do anything special, from what I remember I just ask the Finder to open whatever it is you selected. Or it's possible I might use Launch Services to open it, I can't remember right now but will have a look at the code and report back later (the code I'm talking about probably won't have changed in years.)

What happens if you control-command-click in that folder and from the resulting FinderPop "Contents" menu, select your .doc or .xls file? Do you still get a (null) process?
20 Feb 2011, 08:13
Re: (Null) process being created by FP possibly..
Hi. I do not believe that I have ever run Classic on this G4 PB, do not have the Classic pref file in my System pref folder, searched for "Classic" on the machine using Easy Finder with nil results so, I think I can safely say that Classic is not the problem.

Now, Microsoft office 2004 may be using some Classic Code that I have not a clue about but.......

As for control-command-click shortcut, when I use that shortcut to open up the excel document, I do get a (null) process.