Would be nice if it worked with SecondBar or the like.[Up to topic list]  [Home]

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19 Aug 2011, 20:27
Would be nice if it worked with SecondBar or the like.
Would be nice if it worked with SecondBar/MenuEverywhere or the like.

I'm on 27" iMac 2.93Ghz i7 Quad with OS X.6.7 using FP 2.3.0
20 Aug 2011, 22:45
Re: Would be nice if it worked with SecondBar or the like.
Best first try the latest ( BETA) version (see Version Announcements forum). Many issues have been solved since 2.3.0.
11 Oct 2011, 03:38
Re: Would be nice if it worked with SecondBar or the like.
Still does not work in v2.4.1