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Phredd 02 Oct 2011, 19:10 | Lost Factory Feature I’m brand new to FinderPop but so far, I love it. (The Pint is in the mail.) I’m using vs. 2.4 on an old G5 Power PC running Leopard 10.5.8. The Factory Finder had a feature which I find almost indispensable. When I dubl-clicked a file or a folder whilst depressing the Control and Option keys, the file or folder would open and its parent folder would automatically close. A great time-saving feature. However, with FinderPop activated, that fine factory Finder function is obviated in favor of the appearance of the contextual menu. Is there any way to restore it while using FinderPop? Can FP be configured so that just using the Control key alone will invoke it? IAIA, if I’m the 7th bazillion moron to ask about this and have missed the answer in the Help file. Phredd |
RonaldPR 02 Oct 2011, 19:36 | Re: Lost Factory Feature
Great feature indeed, but the feature works (and has worked in MacOS since long before MacOSX) with holding only the Option key.
It already does that. No need to also hold the Option key to invoke the FP menu. |
Phredd 05 Oct 2011, 18:40 | Re: Lost Factory Feature
+++ Perhaps I expressed myself badly. I’m wondering if FP can be configured to be invoked ONLY when the Control key is used ALONE so that it doesn't override the factory behavior of the Control/Option key to close the parent folder. Phredd |
billearl 05 Oct 2011, 19:11 | Re: Lost Factory Feature Contextual menus are invoked by control-click or right-click. Closing the parent folder is done by option-doubleclick. In no case should it be necessary to press both control and option keys simultaneously. |
Phredd 05 Oct 2011, 20:01 | Re: Lost Factory Feature
That's not the way Leopard works on my Mac. Maybe I have a system problem. |
turly 05 Oct 2011, 23:00 | Re: Lost Factory Feature Not at my Mac right now but option-double-clicking open a new window and close the old always worked for me and has been part of the Finder since System 6 (and possibly earlier, I can't remember.) I definitely used this facility recently and I have FinderPop on all my machines. Note that FP can be invoked in a folder (or on a folder) by command-control clicking (to get a Contents popup of that folder.) Just a completely off the wall idea - you haven't gone and remapped your Control and Option keys in the keyboard prefPane, have you? ![]() |
Phredd 08 Oct 2011, 19:40 | Re: Lost Factory Feature
+++ I don't think so because I don't even know what that means. But, I recently upgraded my wife's iBook to Leopard 10.5.8. I’ve never even opened the preference panes on that machine and it behaves the same way as my G5 does now. Dbl-clicking with the Option key does not close the parent folder. The target folder opens in the existing parent folder's window. Her machine will close the parent window when dbl-clicking with the Cntrl/Otion keys, though. She does not have FinderPop on her machine. I hate to do it because I really like FP but I guess I’m gonna hafta give it up. Having the parent folder window close automatically is too good a feature to sacrifice. If anyone thinks of a workaround, please lemmeenno. I have QuicKeys but can't think of a way to solve the problem with it. Phredd |
turly 08 Oct 2011, 21:24 | Re: Lost Factory Feature I just tried this on 10.6 and 10.7 (alas I no longer have a 10.5 system booting) and option-double-clicking works as it always has for me. So what happens when you control-double-click? Do you need to press Option as well in order to get that behaviour? |