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29 Apr 2012, 16:15
FinderPop 2.4.3 beta
FinderPop 2.4.3 BETA (tagged "Birthday Boy") is now available.

Please don't publicise this to MacUpdate and VersionTracker et al, I still need a couple of tweaks before doing a proper release.
In particular, can anyone who has 10.4 or 10.5 check that 2.4.3 works OK? It should work fine, but I made a few XCode changes and alas I no longer have machines capable of running 10.4 or 10.5.

  • Now works for 10.6 and 10.7: Any item ending in '---R' will have a submenu listing the Finder's Recent Folders hanging off it...

    Previous fixes:
    • Any item ending in '---R' will have a submenu listing the Finder's Recent Folders hanging off it. For example, having an item named 'Finder Recent---R' will result in a FinderPop menu item named 'Finder Recent' whose submenu lists the accessible items in the Finder Go menu's Recent Folders submenu.
    • Fix bug where labelled non-folder items would not be opened if chosen from a FinderPop menu if FinderPop's "Use Finder Label Colours" was enabled
    • Increase max font size in FP menus to 32 points
    • Sundry minor fixes
    • Fix bug where FinderPop would silently stop making its menus when it came across an unresolvable alias while iterating through the contents of a folder. Also improve handling of unresolvable aliases if one is actually selected from an FP menu (the alias will be shown and selected in Finder.)
    • Choosing an AppleScript .scpt file from a FinderPop menu will now result in the script file being passed whatever you control-clicked in the Finder. (The AppleScript script file should use an "on run argv ... end run" handler to see the arg list.) If you prefer the old method of dealing with .scpt Script files:
      defaults write com.finderpop.finderpop useOSADoScriptFile -bool true
    • Restore Drive Genius to the list of apps we shouldn't patch
    • Fixed a couple of installation issues
    • Improve click-in-unused-menubar stuff for Carbon apps
    • First cut at getting unused-menubar-click working in Lion's Sandboxed apps (eg TextEdit, Preview).
      This is EXPERIMENTAL and can be disabled by:
      defaults write com.finderpop.finderpop pollSandboxedApps -bool false
      • Note: for FinderPop to patch Sandboxed apps, the FinderPop prefPane needs to be installed for all users, not just you.
        If your FinderPop is installed for just you, you can uninstall it and then reinstall it for all users by - close System Preferences, open it again, right-click on FinderPop's icon in System Preferences, choose 'Remove' or 'Uninstall', then close System Preferences. Back in the Finder, double-click the FinderPop.prefPane you've just downloaded, which will open System Preferences, which will ask you whether you want to install FinderPop for all users, or just you. Choose 'All Users' and continue as usual.
        The technical reason for this is that Sandboxed apps have read access to /System/Library but no access at all to /Users/your-name-here/Library. When FinderPop is installed for all users, it's put in /System/Library/PreferencePanes, a location which is accessible.
    • Fix an issue patching 32-bit applications on 10.7 Lion
    • Tweak Lion control-free popup code
    • New, improved Lion "unused menubar" stuff backported to 10.5/10.6

What remains to be done:
* Contextual Menu Support in apps other than the Finder on Snow Leopard and Lion
* Decode the Finder's Recent Folders prefs for 10.7 and 10.8
* Fix previews on Lion

If you're installing this over a previous beta, you'll have to restart or logout/login for it to take effect.

As usual, if there are any issues with this, reply here in the forum!
29 Apr 2012, 20:48
Re: FinderPop 2.4.3 beta
turly wrote:In particular, can anyone who has 10.4 or 10.5 check that 2.4.3 works OK?

It works in 10.4 on my PowerBook G4. I did not test extensively, I rarely use my PowerBook these days. Any specific features you would like to have tried?

I noticed a difference between FP in 10.4 PPC and FP in 10.6/10.7. With identical settings I see "FinderPop" appear (in italics) at the bottom of the Processes submenu in 10.4. I do not see that in 10.7 and I am sure I never saw that in 10.6.
29 Apr 2012, 23:10
Re: FinderPop 2.4.3 beta
That "FinderPop" item at the bottom of the Processes menu is meant to allow you to quickly open the FinderPop prefPane. AFAIK it should work on all systems... Will have a look tomorrow!
A. H.
03 May 2012, 21:08
Re: FinderPop 2.4.3 beta
Hi; no regressive issues here on my G4/OSX.5.8 ... I tested my FP items and 2.4.3b’s file browsing, moving, trashing, revealing, grabbing (G key), picpreviewing etc. But:

All those ugly irritating additional spaces in front of labelled filenames ...
... still exist.*

* Which is an awkward regression compared to ye ole Classic/1990s version of FinderPop. :(
15 May 2012, 20:20
Re: FinderPop 2.4.3 beta
I have a partition on my hard drive that I installed OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 Preview 3.

I installed FinderPop 2.4.3 beta on it and it is working just fine.
21 May 2012, 00:55
Re: FinderPop 2.4.3 beta
"Clicking in unused menubar area invokes FinderPop" not working for me in 10.6.8. Not sure if this was an issue with previous versions or not because I just now tried it. I clicked the checkmark in the sys prefs and it doesn't work.

UPDATE, oh nevermind, I just had to switch to make the Finder active first since I have Finderpop only working in the Finder. Sorry! :oops:
17 Jun 2012, 06:08
Re: FinderPop 2.4.3 beta
Just installed this on my Mac, running 10.8, DP4 on a whim, AND IT WORKS!!! Great JOB!!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
18 Jun 2012, 22:53
Re: FinderPop 2.4.3 beta
Last Monday I Updated OS X Mountain Lion from Preview 3 to Preview 4 and FinderPop 2.4.3 is still working just great.

Thanks for the great product :D ...