Menubar item also shows up in contextual menu[Up to topic list] [Home]
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dtruett 13 Dec 2009, 21:20 | Menubar item also shows up in contextual menu I have one item there-my school folder alias. I may be missing something obvious, but it also shows up whenever I right click or control click on anything, including the desktop. This seems to defeat the purpose of having it in the menubar. I really only want to access it from the empty menubar space. I've checked the settings in SysPrefs, but can't make it behave thusly. Am I missing something? Thanks |
turly 14 Dec 2009, 09:37 | Re: Menubar item also shows up in contextual menu What version of FinderPop are you running? What OS? If you're running one of the Snow Leopard betas, I think I might have fixed that - see the latest beta for details. I'm at work now and not at my Mac, but let me know and I'll have a look when I get home later. |
dtruett 20 Dec 2009, 22:10 | Re: Menubar item also shows up in contextual menu Just downloaded 2.2.2b4 from the last version. Running 10.6.2. Still happens in the Finder. I've attached a screenshot.
Re: Menubar item also shows up in contextual menuJust downloaded 2.2.2b4 from the last version. Running 10.6.2. Still happens in the Finder. I've attached a screenshot. |
RonaldPR 21 Dec 2009, 16:06 | Re: Menubar item also shows up in contextual menu Isn't that alias simply the only file in your FinderPop Items folder and isn't it thus displayed in the FP menu regardless whether the menu is invoked from the menu bar or elsewhere? Apparently the FP menu is set to be displayed inline (see FP Appearance settings). I am not aware of a feature in FP that displays items in the menu bar menu only. Or am I missing something? Edit: Sorry, I see now that there is indeed such a feature. Items ending with -!!m should appear only in the menu from the menu bar. |
dtruett 21 Dec 2009, 17:43 | Re: Menubar item also shows up in contextual menu Adding a space and -!!m does indeed make the school folder show up in the menubar. What happens with a right-click or control-click in the finder is that I get the FinderPop Items (which doesn't show the school folder inside it) on the top line. I may not have been clear. I would like to access those items from the menubar only and not have FinderPop Items show up in the contextual menu. Thanks for the tip, though. |
RonaldPR 22 Dec 2009, 00:15 | Re: Menubar item also shows up in contextual menu As far as I know, there are only two possibilities. Either the FinderPop items are shown inline in contextual menus or the FinderPop items are shows in a submenu in contextual menus. If the item name ends with "-!!m" it will only show in the menu bar menu. (Make sure the alias name does not have a file extension, with a file name extension it will not work as intended.) If all item names end with "-!!m" (no need to put a space in between the name and this ending), none of the items should show in contextual menus, but you will always have a FinderPop folder in the contextual menus. I think what you ask for is a new feature: When none of the FinderPop items are shown in contextual menus, also do not show the FinderPop folder in contextual menus. |
turly 22 Dec 2009, 10:20 | Re: Menubar item also shows up in contextual menu Sorry lads, I've been up the walls preparing a presentation with PowerPoint for work. (Insert very unseasonal language here.) As they say, if work was so good, the rich would have kept more of it for themselves Presentation was last night so I have some spare time again... I've only switched on my Mac for half an hour in total during the last 7 days! What RonaldPR says sounds right. I would ask you to try one thing, though - turn ON the "Inline FinderPop Items" checkbox and, in a Terminal session, type defaults write com.finderpop.finderpop ignoreEmptyFPMenu true That might work for you: your item will appear in the menubar, and nothing will appear in a control-click. I will try it when I next switch on my Mac. (See here for a bunch of FinderPop hints and tips.) |
turly 23 Dec 2009, 22:14 | Re: Menubar item also shows up in contextual menu Hey lads - this should be fixed in 2.2.4b6 |
dtruett 24 Dec 2009, 19:58 | Re: Menubar item also shows up in contextual menu Maybe it's just my system, but with 2.2.4b6 I get the same result. Haven't tried the terminal trick yet though.
Re: Menubar item also shows up in contextual menuCan you post a pic of your FinderPop Items folder - ie, what is the full name of your "3rd Grade 09-10" folder? If you want it to appear ONLY in the menubar, it should be something like 3rd Grade 09-10---m Note the "---m" bit at the end. |
dtruett 27 Dec 2009, 17:01 | Re: Menubar item also shows up in contextual menu I had tried adding "-!!m" to the name when DonaldPR suggested it with no results. Works perfectly now. Thanks for all the help. Don't know what a pint costs where you are, but 5 euros are on the way from PayPal. |
turly 27 Dec 2009, 17:33 | Re: Menubar item also shows up in contextual menu Cheers Don, many thanks. Suffixing -!!m should work as well as ---m, I'll check later. Edit: Yes, both "---m" and "-!!m" do the trick. |
RonaldPR 27 Dec 2009, 17:39 | Re: Menubar item also shows up in contextual menu Apparently it has been changed. In previous FP versions, menu bar only items are defined by adding the '-!!m' modifier. Are now all '-!!_' item modifiers changed to '---_'? Edit: Turly posted while I was writing. |