Print option in Finderpop?[Up to topic list]  [Home]

Who What
17 Apr 2010, 21:53
Print option in Finderpop?
I was wondering could you add a print option for a file when I navigate to it with finderpop ?

24 Apr 2010, 12:07
Re: Print option in Finderpop?
I'm missing something here I think - surely you'd just open the file you navigated to and then press Command-P within the app that opens it? Have I misunderstood?
24 Apr 2010, 14:51
Re: Print option in Finderpop?
I suppose kjb asks for an item in the FP menu that is equivalent to the Print item in the Finder File menu. You can select the icon of a printable document (pdf, image, text, etc.) in the Finder and choose Print from the File menu.
26 Apr 2010, 12:57
Re: Print option in Finderpop?
Sorry Mr. Turly. I did not state my request clearly. As RonaldPR stated I would like to have a print option from within Finderpop to quickly print a file when I navigate to it. I guess it would have to be another submenu? This would be a quick clean way to me to print the file without desktop clutter.

thanks for all your work with Finderpop!

I use it everyday. Awesome!

A. H.
26 Apr 2010, 14:34
Re: Print option in Finderpop?
Good idea (but only if it's not too difficult to implement):

Typing "p" during FP-filebrowsing could "print" the mouse-pointed document (send it to the printer) — as typing "g" during FP-filebrowsing can already "grab" the mouse-pointed file.

Otherwise FP users can already "grab" a document to drop it onto a printer application or script icon etc.
26 Apr 2010, 21:13
Re: Print option in Finderpop?
Yeah, 'p' is already taken with 'Preview'. We'll come up with something.
A. H.
27 Apr 2010, 00:54
Re: Print option in Finderpop?
Maybe 'cmd-p' while filebrowsing in FP?