[-hh] 03 May 2016, 19:18 | Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
Hi all,
I am so glad, that I came back to a visit to here. My FinderPop has won a second life and is now running as before SIP-age in 10.11.4 with SIP.
I also made three of my "main" scripts running (for 'FinderPop Items'). Perhaps someone likes them too, so here they are, I couldn't find a special thread where such scripts are 'collected'.
File DesktopHideIcons.sh
- Code:
#!/bin/bash # FinderPop Add-on to HIDE all desktop icons. # Set and use instead, with full FP access, (ctrl-)click in menubar. # 20160503 hh # http://osxdaily.com/2009/09/23/hide-all-desktop-icons-in-mac-os-x/
defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop -bool false killAll Finder
File DesktopShowIcons.sh
- Code:
#!/bin/bash # FinderPop Add-on to SHOW all desktop icons # 20160503 hh Initial # http://osxdaily.com/2009/09/23/hide-all-desktop-icons-in-mac-os-x/
defaults write com.apple.finder CreateDesktop -bool true killAll Finder
File GoToHereInTerminal.scpt
- Code:
-- Go to current finder folder in terminal [-hh May 03, 2016]
on run tell application "Finder" set s to selection as text if s contains ":Desktop:" then set dPath to "~/Desktop" else set dPath to quoted form of (POSIX path of (folder of the front window as alias)) end if end tell tell application "Terminal" do script "cd " & dPath & " ; clear" activate end tell end run
Hermann p.s. For startup in recovery mode (or net or other disk) one could also hold the optionKey down (instead of cmd-R). |