Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP![Up to topic list]  [Home]

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27 Nov 2015, 08:35
Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
1) Install FinderPop 2.5.7.
2) Disable SIP (reboot in discovery mode pressing cmd-r while restarting, in Terminal type command "csrutil disable", restart normal)
3) Open /Library/ScriptingAdditions folder
4) Move the FinderPopOsax.osax file in there to the /System/Library/ScriptingAdditions directory (creating the ScriptingAdditions directory first if it doesn't exist). Don't leave the file where it was, move it, don't just copy it. You will probably be prompted for an adminstrator password.
5) Open Terminal, and type command:
sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/ScriptingAdditions/FinderPop.osax
6) You'll need to enter your admin password when prompted in the Terminal window
7) Enable SIP (reboot in discovery mode again, in Terminal type command "csrutil enable", restart normal)

There you are - FinderPop DOES work in El Capitan - enjoy!

The only minor glitch I encountered so far: You will first have to highlight a file with a standard click before you can finderpop it with control click or right mouse button. Direct control click brings just the contextual menu of the desktop. But that’s really nothing compared to the comfort of having FinderPop functionality again.

[Edited by turly to use correct FinderPopOsax.osax name.]
27 Nov 2015, 17:34
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
Thanks for that. I tried that on an El Capitan beta, on the next reboot, it spotted that the FinderPop osax in /System/Library/ScriptingAdditions was not an Apple product and promptly dumped it, resulting in no FinderPop. It's a big hole for Apple to have left, even if you do need to reboot into recovery mode and disable SIP temporarily (not to mention a royal PITA when upgrading FinderPop!)

I'll have a look over the weekend!
28 Nov 2015, 11:30
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
Maybe this helps:

SafariStand uses SIMBL. This article (link below) discusses installing SIMBL in El Capitan. ... l-capitan/

and followup remarks: ... -117028426
01 Jan 2016, 19:13
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
Salamac wrote:5) Open Terminal, and type command:
sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/ScriptingAdditions/FinderPop.osax

In my OS, the FinderPop.osax-File is named "FinderPopOsax.osax". Therefore, the terminal command must be

sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/ScriptingAdditions/FinderPopOsax.osax

Salamacs hint work with FP 2.5.9-Beta, too.

03 Jan 2016, 22:54
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
Danke Blaubeere, you are absolutely right, there was a typo in my post - sorry for that!
11 Jan 2016, 17:47
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
I tried Salamac trick, with Blaubeere correction and it's working fine with FP 2.5.9 beta under OS X 10.11.0. FinderPopOsax.osax remains in the System/Scripting Additions folder after reboot with SIP enabled and is not trashed by the system as it happened to Turly (but you were under the beta version of 10.11). Thank you so much for that guys!

Now will I take a chance to upgrade the system to the latest version (10.11.2)? Has anybody using Salamac trick upgraded already?

PS: Salamac wrote: "The only minor glitch I encountered so far: You will first have to highlight a file with a standard click before you can finderpop it with control click or right mouse button. Direct control click brings just the contextual menu of the desktop.". That was also the case with SIP disabled and "FinderPopOsax.osax" in the original Library/Scripting Additions folder.
12 Jan 2016, 16:11
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
Yeah, I still haven't figured out how to tell the item clicked on - not necessarily the same as the item selected - in the El Capitan Finder.
As for the trick of moving FinderPopOsax.osax to /System/Library/ScriptingAdditions - I suppose we should enjoy it while it lasts :-)
21 Jan 2016, 01:10
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
I took the dive and upgraded to 10.11.3 today. FinderPop is still working fine with the Salamac trick applied last week. FinderPopOsax.osax was left untouched in the System/Library/ScriptingAdditions folder. :D
13 Feb 2016, 16:00
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
I'm afraid it's not working for me. I followed Salamac's instructions, including using the correct name of the .osax file. The contextual menu additions worked fine when SIP was disabled, but not after I re-enabled it. I checked and the file is still where it was moved, but it doesn't seem to be invoking the FinderPop contextual menu. My OSX version is 10.11.3.

I wonder if the problem would still be permissions? System can read and write, Wheel can read only, Everyone can read only. Is that what it's supposed to be?
22 Mar 2016, 09:09
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
Good news: after updating to 10.11.4 - I did it with the Combo Updater - the trick stays untouched, FP works like it did before!
03 May 2016, 19:18
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
Hi all,

I am so glad, that I came back to a visit to here. My FinderPop has won a second life and is now running as before SIP-age in 10.11.4 with SIP.

I also made three of my "main" scripts running (for 'FinderPop Items').
Perhaps someone likes them too, so here they are, I couldn't find a special thread where such scripts are 'collected'.

# FinderPop Add-on to HIDE all desktop icons.
# Set and use instead, with full FP access, (ctrl-)click in menubar.
# 20160503 hh

defaults write CreateDesktop -bool false
killAll Finder

# FinderPop Add-on to SHOW all desktop icons
# 20160503 hh Initial

defaults write CreateDesktop -bool true
killAll Finder

File GoToHereInTerminal.scpt
-- Go to current finder folder in terminal [-hh May 03, 2016]

on run
   tell application "Finder"
      set s to selection as text
      if s contains ":Desktop:" then
         set dPath to "~/Desktop"
         set dPath to quoted form of (POSIX path of (folder of the front window as alias))
      end if
   end tell
   tell application "Terminal"
      do script "cd " & dPath & " ; clear"
   end tell
end run

p.s. For startup in recovery mode (or net or other disk) one could also hold the optionKey down (instead of cmd-R).
03 May 2016, 21:11
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
Handy scripts, Hermann - thanks!
18 Jun 2016, 15:59
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
I finally upgraded three Macs and I am happy to report that this works.

Only one (MacMini) is not working but I did not follow the instructions by heart. I will retry later, but in my iMac and my MacBook Air FinderPop works perfectly well with El Capitan 10.11.5.

I repost the instructions since there (still) was a typo on the name of the file to move, now it is correct in every appearance:

FindePop en El Capitan

1) Install FinderPop 2.5.7.
2) Disable SIP (reboot in discovery mode pressing cmd-r while restarting, in Terminal type command "csrutil disable", restart normal) (Terminal is under the Utilities menu in the menu bar above)
3) Open /Library/ScriptingAdditions folder
4) Move the FinderPopOsax.osax file in there to the /System/Library/ScriptingAdditions directory (creating the ScriptingAdditions directory first if it doesn't exist). Don't leave the file where it was, move it, don't just copy it. You will probably be prompted for an adminstrator password.
5) Open Terminal, and type command:
sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/ScriptingAdditions/FinderPopOsax.osax
6) You'll need to enter your admin password when prompted in the Terminal window
7) Enable SIP (reboot in discovery mode again, in Terminal type command "csrutil enable", restart normal)

Thank you Turly, Salamac et al!

09 Jul 2016, 15:35
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
En français :-)
Ex frustré par le “Menulet” proposé pour El Capitan, le tuto proposé ici fonctionne parfaitement.
Merci à Turly, Salamac, Blaubeere, osplo, …
Un amateur de pintes ;)
23 Jul 2016, 14:40
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
Anyone installed El Capitan 10.11.6?

FP still working after the update?

23 Jul 2016, 15:59
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
osplo wrote:Anyone installed El Capitan 10.11.6? FP still working after the update?

I couldn't resist and did the deed.

Happy to report that FinderPop works as well as before under 10.11.6. No need to redo the SIP circumvention or anything.

31 Oct 2016, 21:07
Re: Yes, FP works in El Capitan with SIP!
FinderPop works as well as before under macOS Sierra 10.12.1.
Need to do the SIP circumvention…